Back in action.
Hi. Remember me? I used to travel a lot and write a little blog. Well, this week I got back to both.
Starting with a little life update. I'm just about 29 weeks preg (26 in that bumpie) with baby brother. The countdown is O-N.
This pregnancy has been w o r l d 's different than with Asher. I've battled first trimester AND second trimester nausea -- who knew that was a thing? I'm thanking my lucky stars -- and knocking on serious wood -- that I haven't dealt with insomnia like I did with Asher, but I've been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster... The transition back to home in the US, going back to work, starting Asher in daycare, solo momming while the hubs continues to travel has all happened right alongside pregnancy. All this L I F E stuff has piled on and along with the dreamy, happy-go-lucky, pregnancy moments ... I've had my share of down, irritable, anxious days. It seems like any emotion I have feels just a bit bigger, deeper and is way more obvious than what I am used to. I've had many days where I just don't feel like myself. And it's hard to pinpoint exactly where that comes from given how much we've had going on.
I really have been so happy to be so near to family, to see friends more often and to watch Asher become closer with all my favorite people, but I won't lie ... I've really missed our jetset life.
So it was time to bust out the suitcases and get outta town. One of my best friends + her fam (actually the first visitors we had in Germany!) recently moved to Colorado. So to the mountains we went!
This trip to Colorado was planned as a girls trip. But not the "woo hoo, let's go to the spa then the bars" type girls trip. This one included our beautiful babes. 3 KC girls and our 3 little loves packed up and flew to Denver. All under one roof we had 4 mamas, 2 two-month olds, 2 toddlers, a dog, a cat and 1 husband. It was a F U L L house. But wow, was it a happy one.
We set our expectations for outings and adventure pretty low and focused on just being together. And it was the exact kind of soul-filling, heart-warming, getaway that I think we all needed in our own ways.
We laughed until we peed our pants (#momproblems), talked until we had (almost) nothing left to say, gave each other the life and momming advice that we should also probably be taking ourselves and really connected. Between social media, texting and nights out here & there, we are always in communication but that doesn't always make for real connection. Does that make sense?
This was the kind of weekend that leaves you smiling, emotionally refreshed and feeling oh-so-thankful to have a life with true friends in it.
And look at these two. Second gen of besties in the making ...
So there ya go. Back at it. And I plan to get back to myself a bit more too. So stay tuned for more posting. I've got lots to say.
-ever yours,